
Wolfram mathematica matrix
Wolfram mathematica matrix

The data suggests that once the nanoemulsion container approaches the membrane surface, transfer of components occur by a three-phase partition mechanism where the aqueous phase serves as a kinetic barrier. This is confirmed with rotating disk electrode experiments in which a linear relationship between the diffusion layer thickness and current is observed. On the other hand, with less lipophilic compounds (valinomycin and cation-exchanger salts), transfer rates are limited by mass transport. Ionophores and ion-exchangers are shown to transfer into the membrane at rates that correlate with their lipophilicity if mass transport is not rate-limiting, which is the case with more lipophilic compounds (calcium and sodium ionophores). Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance data indicate that the transfer of the emulsion components is insignificant, ruling out simple coalescence with the membrane film. Thin-film cyclic coulovoltammetry measurements serve to quantify the uptake of lipophilic species into blank PVC -DOS membranes. We study here the transfer of lipophilic ionic compounds from nanoemulsions into thin plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-DOS) films by chronoamperometry and quartz crystal microbalance. To this date, however, the mechanism and rate of component transfer remain unclear. This approach has also been used for nanopipette electrodes to achieve single-entity electrochemistry, thereby sensing the ion-selective response of single adhered nanospheres. Recent work has shown that ion-selective components may be transferred from nanoemulsions (NEs) to endow polymeric membranes with ion-selective sensing properties.

Wolfram mathematica matrix